
Zotero IDShort NameTitleAuthorDateInfo
ABCD2345 SchnelleinstiegCenter for History and New Media Problem(s): Multiple usages of short title/cite key (51).
3XTD58DVArchive mania =Archive mania =: ArchivmanieRolnik, Suely et.al.2011
GC9NZWA5Artists reArtists re:thinking the blockchainCatlow, Ruth et.al.2017
MM3W45DUDem Archiv verschriebenDem Archiv verschrieben: eine Freudsche ImpressionDerrida, Jacques1997
TC6JSTBKIn the FieldIn the Field: an Introduction to Field Research.Burgess, Robert G2002
QFD6C6BUMikropolitikMikropolitik: eine Einführung in die politische Philosophie von Gilles Deleuze und Félix GuattariKrause, Ralf et.al.2010
DW4PE4FWMindf*ckMindf*ck: Cambridge Analytica and the plot to break AmericaWylie, Christopher2019
9TD8VWUVMixed methodologyMixed methodology: combining qualitative and quantitative approachesTashakkori, Abbas et.al.2008
9PWKYN79Modest₋Witness@Second₋Millennium.FemaleMan₋Meets₋OncoMouseModest₋Witness@Second₋Millennium.FemaleMan₋Meets₋OncoMouse: feminism and technoscienceHaraway, Donna Jeanne1997
6GC2YSS3Net.art generatorNet.art generator – Cornelia SollfrankInstitut für Moderne Kunst Nürnberg2004
2TK4N5NWPractice as researchPractice as research: approaches to creative arts enquiryBarrett, Estelle et.al.2010
8KGYM6L5Science and technology studiesScience and technology studies: klassische Positionen und aktuelle PerspektivenBauer, Susanne et.al.2017
NA8NSG8BSollfrank2009Expanded Original: Cornelia Sollfrank ; [anlässlich der Ausstellung “Cornelia Sollfrank. Originale und Andere Fälschungen”, Edith-Ruß-Haus für Medienkunst, Oldenburg, 24. Januar bis 19. April 2009]Himmelsbach, Sabine et.al.2009
LLVG9LQHStaying with the troubleStaying with the trouble: making kin in the ChthuluceneHaraway, Donna Jeanne2016
VJK7P79YThe feminist standpoint theory readerThe feminist standpoint theory reader: intellectual and political controversiesHarding, Sandra G.2004
JXAY4JRFWhose science?Whose science? Whose knowledge? thinking from women's livesHarding, Sandra G.1991
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